The bad news: Working on a new design and I’m fighting with Autodesk Fusion requiring multiple prototype 3D prints. 👎🏻

The good news: It is a good chance to use up the small amounts of filament remaining on several spools. Also giving my MK4S’s runout sensor a solid workout. 👍🏼

It is officially fall holiday season. We set up our puzzle table and started on a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.🧩

Current challenge: Trying to create a 3D model in F360 for a “bookcase” but with shelves that angle slightly from front to back. The only method I currently know would be brute force and fragile. I want one that can adapt to parameter changes. 🤔

Note the shelves would be fixed, not the removable kind.

Today was a bit of a meta day: spent some time planning how I will use my 2025 Hobonichi Cousin. It was pleasant. 👍🏼

My Autodesk Fusion knowledge is very haphazard because I only learn “just enough” to do an immediate project. I’d like to get a broader knowledge but I seem to lack the patience.

In designing a cup for my journaling pens/pencils I decided on a conical shape but wanted some internal dividers. Being unskilled with Fusion 360 I was fussing how to get the dividers to work out. I turned to a Kagi search and on the first result discovered Fusion has a "Web" tool which auto-magically did exactly what I wanted.

The result:

The Prusa CORE One looks very very impressive. Even more the price point. It is almost shocking I could upgrade my MK4S to this (eventually).

I was wondering just yesterday, after thinking how much I liked my MK4 to MK4S upgrade, “I wonder what the next step would be”.

Realistically in my case a MMU3 would deliver better value though.

Prusa CORE One

Well, with the latest noise I decided to log into my Bluesky account for the first time in months.Turned tail and ran - it’s worse now.

I’ve decided to try using a paper planner for 2025. For years I’ve used a mix of apps on my iPad for planning but recently realized for some areas a paper-based approach would be better. The downside will come because my iPad is always readily to hand and a paper planner won’t be. Should be a good experiment.

FWIW After far too many hours watching videos and checking web pages I decided to go with the Hobonichi Cousin.

Random fact: I’ve been making digital journal entries for a bit more than 14 years. 7,500 total.

It is, mostly, nice to look back in time.

I made 74 QSO using FT8 on 10m and 20m in the past two days. Pretty productive.

Whine: I get annoyed when people don’t put at least a little info on their QRZ page. It is nice to read a bit of background on people I contact.

I downloaded and printed baby Groot 18 months ago on my MK3S+ using Amolen wood PLA. I thought it turned out ok. I was curious if the wood PLA was still usable so I took it out of the vacuum bag printed a larger version on my MK4S using .2 layer height and the HF nozzle. Focusing on the face the quality is much better. Just an observation. And yeah the filament is fine even without drying.👍🏼

Having printed one figure a couple of days ago I decided to see if my old silk filament was still good by printing this mermaid. Yea, aright eh?

I ordered a Nextruder ObXidian nozzle today. The PC CF parts on my MK4s look really cool and I’d like to use that material for some of my designs. Next up is to track down some PC CF filament.

I’ve been using and subscribing to Kagi for over a year. Happy to support a better search.

I don’t normally print test models but after upgrading my MK4 to a MK4S a month ago I felt the urge to do so. Meet the Robo Alpaka in Prusament Galaxy Purple.

On the one hand this is a reasonable request. On the other it implies Winlink can’t add capacity when needed and if a widespread incident occurred we couldn’t rely on Winlink. More P2P.

I upgraded my Prusa MK4 to a MK4S today which went well. I’ve therefore now joined the hotend sock club. I’ve had socks for over a year and never bothered with them but they’re recommended for the MK4S. I’ve done 3 prints jobs so far and no issues at all. Onward and upward.

I was late discovering Nihon Falcom’s Legend of Heroes: Trails series of games and have spent a couple of years ploughing through them. I just finished Reverie and will start Daybreak soon. Which means I am finally “caught up” since Daybreak is the most recent release. Daybreak II comes out next year. Feels like an accomplishment.

Seen in my doctor’s waiting room this morning. NGL I was a bit surprised…

This morning’s sunrise was on fire

BTW I love iPhone mirroring (along with iPhone notifications on my Mac)

Into the woods

A worthwhile day: spent time today helping my 10th grade son mock up his Rube Goldberg machine. He’s supposed to stick with modest on-hand components which does make it a bit tricky. But the challenge is fun.

After yesterday morning’s frustrations things improved. My VHF Packet setup started working again all by itself. Then this morning I figured out the reason SDR-Control stopped decoding FT8 was because, in a vain attempt to get WSJT-X to transmit audio on my M2 Mac mini, I had changed the audio to 44.1KHz. Changed it back to the normal 48KHz and SDR-Control works.

Still have no idea how to get WSJT-X/JS8Call transmitting audio though.