I’ve never been fond of benchy but this dancing benchy really appealed to me and broke down my resistance. Printed using Jessie’s Brad’s Orange Glitter filament.

Dancing Benchy by phildesign3d | Download free STL model | Printables.com https://www.printables.com/model/1213590-d

I wish the iPad Air keyboard announced today had a metal case like the iPad Pro’s. I really dislike the current material. The addition of function keys is useful but the metal case would have sold me on upgrading. 🤷🏼‍♂️

I’m checking out Prusa’s EasyPrint slicer on my iPad and it definitely seems usable even in its initial state. I can browse Printables.com for one of my models or a 3rd party model and there is a button in the Browser to open it in EasyPrint. It will be fun to do a test print when I get back home.

Ht/ @kr1st when I opened the MFJ power supply I found & tweaked a pot for the voltage meter so it reflected the true output voltage. Then I adjusted the actual output voltage pot bringing it back up to the specified 13.8V. I didn’t do a “soak” test so I don’t know if would stay there stably.

I noticed yesterday testing the dummy load with RTTY is when transmitting a full duty cycle signal the MFJ voltage slowly crept up. Nearly a half volt. Just don’t trust it.

Replaced my 5 year old MFJ power supply with a new Samlex. It is nice to have a power supply putting out 13.8V. The Samlex has a unique, at least to me, connector on the back for DC powe thatr is positively attached rather than just the typical push-on Anderson power pole. I like it.

Also, the QSOs are rolling in after the switch. 👏🏻

I got a 100W dummy load and the max power output I could get from the Icom 7300 was 75-80% using RTTY.

Next I checked the output of my MFJ power supply. Lo and behold the voltage out was only 13.0V with no power draw even though the knob was on the 13.8V detent. It is a fussy knob but I managed to raise it to 13.7V and test again - sure enough full power output on the 7300.

I think I’ll replace the power supply, I just don’t trust the voltage knob to stay put out of the detent.

Does anyone have a small-ish watt meter they like for the HF bands (up to 100W)? My IC-7300 seems to be down on power and I’m looking to check on it.

Prusa: slicing on my iPad…👍🏼 bots.defencegeeks.net/@prusa3d

The temperature is 14F and the wind chill is -7F (nearly -22C). A hibernation day.

Entertaining myself this morning by 3D printing a washi tape dispenser and writing samples of 15 new Sarasa Nano pens (.3).

I might do some FT8 later. Also the parts I need to finish my initial DigiPi setup should arrive today via Amazon). But I wouldn’t be shocked if they don’t make it today.

During my week+ virus battle I didn’t have the energy to even think about a project or a build. In fact I spent nearly one entire sleepless night being tortured by this nightmare about trying to 3D print a set of houses and being especially frustrated tying to attach the roofs. That just kept running in a loop all night.

Very grateful I can now at least contemplate a small project. Probably setting up digiPi for my radios. And no more nightmares 👏🏻


I have finally been admitted to club Covid. I’ve been sick for 4 days with no fever so thought it was something else. Finally tested today and oh well, engaging hibernate mode.🦠


In today’s news, I haven’t felt this sick since I got the second Moderna Covid vaccine. No fever though.

But being super-dad I still went out with my daughter to find and buy a car. She’s happy with it.

Into the lion’s den tomorrow.

AKA going car shopping with my daughter 😠

OK, time to get your art on mastodon.social/@kagihq/113958

In contemplating a future Prusa Core One purchase I was asking myself if it would feel justified. It dawned on me one metric would be to check how much I use my MK4S. It turns out so far this year I have used it all but 2 days. I don’t print items for sale just for things we can use. Over the past 90 days usage is only slightly less. Seems a favorable metric.

My first real PETG carbon fiber print. These are parts to replace some existing ones on my MK4S. Very happy how easily it printed and how well it turned out.

I sent the transcript of my chat with Prusa support to myself for future reference. When I looked at it in Mail Apple Intelligence offered to summarize the lengthy chat and did a great job. First time using it and impressed, for now.

Today in 3D printing:
I used a hardened Obxidian nozzle for the first time. And printed a carbon fiber filament for the first time.

Lesson learned: the default infill pattern in PrusaSlicer is no bueno with my CF filament because it is more susceptible to patterns crossing themselves. Gyroid FTW.

Otherwise, like everything else, drama free on my MK4S.

P.S. Prusa’s chat support is soooo good.👍🏼

Finally got a chance to use a refill unit for Prusament Galaxy Black. Saved money, saved plastic and this is an American-made refill. 👍🏻

Yet another in my line of oddly specific models posted to Printables. I've become really fond of these thin and lightweight Japanese notebooks.

I’m printing my first model with weights.

TIL I need to be very precise about what layer to pause on to insert them lest the nozzle scrape across the top. Kinda obvious but newbie here 🤪

I think I also learned the weight may hamper bed adhesion in some manner. They’re on top of the bottom 1mm of layers and don’t extend the whole length making the weight distribution uneven. Got a surprising amount of warp so I added a hefty brim so we shall see. The prototype I painted didn’t warp at all.🤔

I’ll get a Prusa Core One to replace my MK4KS at some point this year. Economically I should buy the upgrade kit but I’m a bit nervous about the upgrade given how different the two are mechanically. And as a new upgrade kit I can imagine there being months of kinks to work out.

Impulsively I like to just order the Core One in the naive hope I could sell my MK4S for a worthwhile price.

Yeah I’m jonesing a bit

My APRS RX iGate hasn't seen any traffic the past few days though there are packets going by. My Kenwood D75 is receiving them and the iGate should see the same packets. Reboots haven't helped and I haven't found anything to give a hint what's going on.

Guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend...

Published another one of my oddly specific models: A stand that holds a caliper, two rulers, fillet finder and layer thickness guide vertically to conserve desk space


Today I published my smallest model yet requiring only .3g of filament. It is for an oddly specific need but does serve a useful purpose.
