Kind of in shock. We drove by a small shopping area near us and, get this, they’re adding a bookstore! In 2024!

Never thought we’d see a new one in our area. And especially because this same shopping area had a bookstore until a couple of years ago and it was replaced by a hobby store.

I have a question for the POTA hunting folk among you.

I normally run a filter on FT8 that excludes call signs I’ve had a QSO with in the past. I’ve seen some operators who are very hostile if someone starts a QSO with them if they’ve ever logged them in the past.

But filtering out call signs I’ve logged means I would only ever see an operator’s first POTA activation no matter how many different parks they activate.

What is your operating approach for this?

FWIW, I find the audio quality remarkably better on the AirPods Pro 2 versus my original AirPods. First time I used them was a “wow” and I wasn’t even trying to check for a difference.

This is nice! 👍🏼

The First UL Certified Consumer 3D Printer on the Market - the Original Prusa MK4S!

My wife and I are never satisfied with the Japanese bottled ponzu sauce we’ve bought. Always seems fairly lifeless. So today we embarked on making our own and in doing so have discovered every recipe seems to use different ratios of ingredients plus different methods. Rather confusing. So we are winging it…

We need some to use in today and tomorrow’s dinner so the pressure is on… 👨🏻‍🍳

Do you name your earbuds/AirPods? If so what scheme do you use?

[Note a poll]

Speaking of 3D printing. I used the below model to print this Nextruder case using Prusa’s Clear PETG. I’m really pleased with how translucent the case turned out.

I got a surprising email from Printables telling me my models have been downloaded more than 1,000 times. It’s a surprise since my models are all plain/niche but I guess it is a nice thing.

I’m in the market for a HF-band magmount to use on my car. I’ll only use it while stationary. LMK if you have one you like. +1 if it has a hamstick compatible conntector.

Spent some time this morning on an overdue emergency comms task. Today’s accomplishment was aligning the primary repeaters and frequencies across my vhf/uhf radios. A bit of a chore since I have Icom, Kenwood and Baofeng radios. But it will pay off if an emergency arises.

Today I hit 100. That is I’ve now worked 100 unique reference areas of Parks on the Air thereby earning the Arizona Agave award. 👍🏼

Only 98 left to go to earn my next award 🤪

For those that hate the “well known” search engines I endorse Kagi.

Wow, the dollar amount is pretty staggering. And I continue to be amazed that people fall for these well known scams.

Bitcoin ATM scams have cost Americans over $10 million per month this year

After too many emails back-and-forth with ARRL/LoTW support I have finally managed to fix things up and get the nearly 200 QSOs confirmed in LoTW. I felt like I’ve done battle… Relieved.

The “Mute Forever” and “Block Forever” are my favorite Mastodon features. 👊🏻

I have a pair of OG Homepods which worked fine for several years but these days I have frequent issues. Sometimes sound only comes out of one. Other times my Mac becomes unable to play audio through them - it will start AirPlay to them but after a few seconds it just stops. Repeatedly.

About ready to look for something else.

I’ve been very active on FT8 in August but I haven’t received a single confirmation at LoTW since August 11th even though my uploads are working fine. It's about 200 missing confirmations.

Is everyone boycotting LoTW or something? QRZ and eQSL seem OK.

Today I discovered another telltale sign of AI generated content. The word, or non-word as it is, “consideualize”.

At least the content owner quickly scrubbed it out when I reported it.

I wonder if AI is AI why it can check itself for the words it uses?


It hasn’t rained here at all in 5 weeks so the fact there is at least a 50/50 chance of rain this weekend sounds refreshing.☔️

I saw a task on my list for today titled “Windows install” and had a nervous shock at the thought of having to install a MS OS.

Then I remembered it referred to having a couple of our house windows replaced. Whew!

In today’s ham radio activities:
I disassembled my original hotspot which was running on a Pi Zero with Pi-Star software, swapped in a Pi Zero 2, and changed from the Pi-Star software to WPSD. Fresh and minty!

Trying to troubleshoot a systemd service that won’t start properly is such a PITA. There should be an interactive tool for setting up a new service and seeing exactly what’s going wrong.

Maybe even better a tool where you feed it something that works perfectly fine from the command line and the tool will generate a working service.


I’ve completed all of the electronics and mounted the front panel to the main PCB. I connected it to my Mac via USB-C, powered it on and downloaded the firmware. Note until the firmware loads there is zero sign of life. A bit spooky 👻

Fortunately no magic smoke and display and controls worked fine. I haven’t done any tests yet nor tried to operate it pending case completion.

The QMX+ board progresses with the installation of diodes, inductors, the PA transistors and the hand-wound transformer. I think the transformer looks like a stick man 😁

Note: Hans just announced a rev 2 of the PCB. This simplifies a few construction steps. He also said #28 wire can be used to wind all the toroids instead of #22 on some. This will make things a bit easier.

I got a note from Adafruit this morning - they have the Pi Zero 2 W in stock and it is list price at $15. I checked just now and they still have them. Amazon and a few other online shops are either out of stock or charging price gouge rates.

Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W : ID 5291 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits