Today I used the unpaved side of the creek for my exercise. The downside is the path is narrower but the upside is almost no one uses it lately. I only passed one person. I really feel blessed to have these options in our piece of suburbia. Lovely in spite of the clouds.🌳 📷


Operating on HF bands as a Mac User

As a new Ham (aka amateur radio operator) I was interested in HF from the start. After studying the available transceivers a bit I narrowed my choice down to either the Yaesu FT-991a or the ICOM IC-7300 .The 7300 seemed the better choice due to its more user friendly interface, superior touchscreen, some better processing as well as a larger body of community support. I definitely have not regretted the choice in the 1 month I have owned the radio.

When researching the radio, and as a newbie, I tried to find out what software was available for each brand and whether there were versions I can run on my MacBook Pro. Windows is by far the most popular platform in ham radio and most of the info (YouTube etc) is targeted there. However it turns out there are good choices for Mac users (and Linux too).

One key piece of software for HF is one that can handle contact (QSO) logging. I found two main contenders: RumLogNG (free) and MacLoggerDX ($95). Free always sounds like a good deal so I initially used RumLogNG and was happy with it. In addition to logging it can directly control the 7300 (tuning, RF power setting, noise reduction setting and so on). However I was making a lot of new contacts hence doing a lot of logging and RumLogNG is only semi-automated for uploading to QRZ, eQSL and so on. Also, RumLogNG has very limited support. I tried MacLoggerDX in demo mode and although it lacks the rig control of RumLogNG I found the logging automation, DX spotting and overal user interface implementation superior. Support email was answered within an hour so I made the plunge. As with the 7300 I’m happy with the switch though I do miss rig control. On the plus side this forced me to better set up my desk (shack in ham parlance) so everything is now more ergonomic.

The 7300 is trivial to use with the Mac. Simply plug in a USB cable and configure the software to port. Here is a screen shot of MLDX configured for my 7300. Most settings are default.

The 7300 settings need to be correct for CAT control as well. MacLoggerDX has a page with the details but it isn’t so easy to find. The details for each radio are here.

In my next post I want to document the software and settings I’m using for HF digital modes like FT8 and JS8Call.

Putting the last couple of pieces in puzzle #6

Lovely bit of sky from the back porch. Sadly this is the leading edge of a storm front coming through in a couple hours.

This morning I was greeted by sunrise while exercising, song birds aplenty and the sweet smell of honeysuckle permeating the air.

Also, it was nicely chill this morning and the high will be 20F cooler than yesterday’s 97F.

Found object: a hat

My wife has started work to sew some cloth face masks using scrap material on hand.

We’re not going out, except when we need groceries. She almost agreed to me getting take out from a local restaurant for tonight’s dinner but changed her mind.

Oh and puzzle #4 is now complete.


Solved COVID-19 puzzle #3.

Note front page of today’s WSJ talks about a huge jump in jigsaw puzzle sales and of course a shortage.

Our daughter’s birthday fell earlier in our ‘shelter’ period. My wife is being pretty stict so we didn’t try to go get a birthday cake. I made brownies as a make-do solution and we stuck candles in it. We were lucky to have the makings as we don’t generally make desserts.

Sunrise and contrails showing hope is just down around the next corner.
📷 ☀️ ✈️

Taken while exercising early this morning. Quite a few people were out at the same time almost all distancing appropriately.

COVID-19 puzzle #2 complete. Mainly by the wife and teen. It was a late night marathon session.

The first blue sky day in nearly 2 weeks. The temperature was great as well so I spent some time working on the back porch. 📷 🌳

It has rained 11 days in a row here which is highly unusual. I believe it has set a record for March. This kind of weather isn’t doing anything to help moods. 🌧 But the forecast calls for warmer weather and sunshine for most of the week. ☀️

It is done. It was challenging but fun.

We searched the house and found several others we’ve never done. So puzzle #2 starts soon.

I picked up our son’s ‘home learning’ material from school first thing this morning. He carries a lot of his material in his backpack every day so he mainly needed the printed math books. I am a bit worried about keeping him supplied with books. He’s an avid & fast reader 📚

A confused reflection in confusing times 📷

Today’s distraction: construction of a dipole antenna for the 20m band. It’s made out of some speaker wire, an SO-239 and a bit of Lexan I had laying around for an insulator.

Tested it in the backyard and ✅


Texas redbud blossoms felled by the daily storms. 📷

Self medicating 🍷 📷

I got out for some exercise in between waves of rain this morning. Our little creek is being quite the overachiever. 📷

From today’s outdoor exercise.

Status: trees don’t care, birds don’t care, squirrels and rabbit’s don’t care. Still waiting on word from the bobcat. 🌳 📷

I did some routine grocery shopping this morning. It was a bit busier than normal but calm and all the usual employees were there. I’m sure the news would highlight a few shelves that were nearly empty but the true story is there was plenty of all types of food available.