I've forgotten more than I know (languages edition)

A number of posts on micro.blog triggered memories of forgotten languages (computer that is, though I’ve forgotten most of my Japanese as well). I was curious what a list of languages I currently use would look like up against ones I no longer use[footnote title=“…”]and in several cases had forgotten existed[/footnote]. Below is my list of current vs relegated languages. I think this list is a great illustration of how Computer Science requires constant learning without even taking into account the many advances in architecture, development paradigms, etc.

[table id=1 /]

I used this Wiki page to help compile the list.

Is the DayOne app integration with IFTTT still working for anyone? Mine’s been down for days. I heard of a general API failure but haven’t been able to track down any details.

Note: I use IFTTT to ‘cross post’ blogs into my personal journal.

The latte art is strong with this one (cortado) ☕️.

The barista here is always so friendly & cheerful it really kickstarts my day.

I just watched Human Flight (wingsuits). My reactions went from amazing videos of flights to those people are insane flights straight to videos noting the fatal flights. The YT comments debate doing what they love vs selfish and cruel to loved ones. Thought provoking.

Completed the 20th century version of binge watching yesterday: started & finished a 300+ page non-fiction hardbound book while glued to the sofa 📚

It’s going to hit 90F today. I think it’s time to switch workouts from my winter habit of early afternoons to my summer habit of early mornings. It’s hard to do for some reason.

Tonight’s appetizer - spicy handrolls.

Big milestone today: Our 14 year old daughter achieved a life goal. She is now taller than her mom.💃🏼

@Becky Hi Becky, if you’d post from Micro.blog it would be easier to reply to you than on Twitter. Just saying.😇

Speaking of definitions of success, this study reveals another myth about startups & success - age. There are lots of people more about creating a business with a purpose than a fast phenomal exit (which is rare).

Young founder myth: The average age of entrepreneurs is 42

I always shake my head when a laptop is left unattended. This woman left her laptop plus phone plus purse.

Bucketing Down

[gallery ids=“3170,3169,” type=“rectangular”]

The photo doesn’t do it justice but it is bucketing down rain outside. A good excuse to hunker down at the coffee shop with an Americano, my iPad, and notebook.

Team building in Palo Alto. You don’t want to know the combined salaries of this group. And yes we made all the blind folded jokes.

@manton I did 2 Instagram archive imports of single photos. They don’t show up in my timeline. In WordPress->Media the images are there with today’s date and a hex file name. Is that expected?

My write up on the plugins I use to work with the IndieWeb has a major update today. I activated several new plugins at David Shanske’s suggestion and added links to the plugins as well thanks to @unoabraham’s suggestion.

My IndieWeb-ish WordPress Setup

@Manton Does the Instagram archive import work w/Wordpress hosted blogs, or only those you host?

You know it’s a strong front when the aircraft radar looks like this. Note lack of planes on left and long line of planes headed north around the storm.

Not a meteorologist, but that sure seems like a remarkable boundary across the whole front currently heading my way.

Today I got to help my 9 year old with geometry homework and my 14 year old with a loan analysis in Excel. Yep, it’s been a great day. 🤓

I documented the Wordpress plugins I adopted in January when I started shooting for IndieWeb adoption and started my microblogging journey. It seems to work pretty well but give this post a read if you want to see what I did or are willing to educate me on what to change.

My IndieWeb-ish Wordpress Setup

I’ve seen a fair amount of discussion about using Wordpress in a IndieWeb fashion[footnote title=“…”]Much of the below will probably sound like gibberish if you are unfamiliar with IndieWeb[/footnote]. I set up my self-hosted Wordpress site in January and for my own benefit I thought I’d document the Plugins I’m using. I’d also be interested in feedback on how I could improve it. I really had no idea what I was doing when I set this up.

Plugins I Set up Specifically for IndieWeb

  • Activate Update Services
    • This plugin carries a warning that it has not been tested with the past 3 major Wordpress versions. My blog is hosted on my multisite Wordpress installation which for some unknown reason removes the ability to configure a host to ping. See this for reference.
  • Disable Emojis
    • Probably bad form to start the list with one that is arguably not IndieWeb oriented but totally required. In spite of the name what this plugin does is enable real emojis in Wordpress posts (otherwise Wordpress replaces emojis with crappy images that look like they were created 20 years ago or so)
  • IndieAuth
  • IndieWeb
    • Helps you establish your IndieWeb identity by extending the user profile to provide rel-me and h-card fields and optionally adding widgets to display these. It also links to a number of other useful plugins (you can choose if you want any of those or not).
  • JetPack
    • Another plugin that is arguably not IndieWeb related but properly processing markdown syntax is mandatory IMO and this does it well. It has a ton of other features that I don’t use.
  • Micropub
    • I installed this to enable Quill. It implements the open API standard that is used to create posts on one’s own domain using third-party clients.
  • Semantic-Linkbacks
    • Does just what the name implies: it provides semantic linkbacks for WebMentions, Trackbacks and Pingbacks
  • WebMention
    • Another plugin that does what it says adding WebMention support to Wordpress
  • WebSub/PubSubHubbub
    • An implementation of the WebHub spec for letting the world know when my blog is updated.
  • XML-RPC OC (I got directly from Colin Walker)
    • Without this plugin posts sent to my blog via XML-RPC can’t be commented on. The OC stands for “Open Comments” which is exactly what it does

Other Plugins I’m Using

  • Aksimet Anti-spam (pretty standard)
  • Broken Link Checker
    • I installed this when I imported posts from one of my old Wordpress sites and wanted to try to clean up or remove broken links in those posts[footnote title=“…”]there were a lot[/footnote]. I’ve left it running. I may disable it soon because it generates false alerts.
  • Inline Footnotes
    • I use this to include asides, snide comments, or additional detail on longer blog posts without cluttering up the main flow of the text. There are a couple in this post.
  • Ultimate Category Excluder
    • This plugin allows me to identify certain post types that should not be published outside my blog. E.g. a post with an excluded category won’t be sent to Micro.blog or Twitter. For my longer posts[footnote title=“…”]like this one[/footnote] I prefer to hand-craft and post a separate short/micro-blog entry letting folks know.
  • UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore (free version)
    • Backs up my Wordpress files to the Cloud
  • Wordfence Security (free version)
    • Provides a level of protection for the site as well as notifications of suspicious activity.

Thank heavens for this. Nokia completely screwed up the associated applications and never managed to fix them. Yet another example of a big company taking over a small one and promptly ruining it.

Nokia is selling its Health business back to the former owner

I had forgotten High Sierra’s APFS brought file system snapshots with it (they’re pretty invisible in usage). Today’s Carbon Copy Cloner release adds support for them + visibility.

N.B: if your disaster recovery process doesn’t include CCC you might be doing it wrong.

@Sergio_101 @macgenie loved Monday’s episode. Fascinating people here.

I really wish I could go to my page of folks I follow and then click on one to include in a message I post. Some handles are a bit tough to remember.