I nearly ordered a newer RISC-V SBC board so I could start contributing code to getting it closer to on par with Arm. Barely stopped myself - it would have been a waste of money because I just don’t have time for another project.
I nearly ordered a newer RISC-V SBC board so I could start contributing code to getting it closer to on par with Arm. Barely stopped myself - it would have been a waste of money because I just don’t have time for another project.
Noise cancelling headphones are no match for 5 year old twins in constant fight mode.
One of the blessings of a community pool: The 7 invaders (😜) wanted to go swim so I stayed home to enjoy some peace. The 5 year old boy has boundless energy and full lungs and I’m jealous. BTW at the moment this means there are a total of 12 people sleeping at our home. Good thing we have some futon.
Based on the latest intelligence report, it is 2 hours until D-Day. Grabbed an early bite for dinner and sipping on a medicinally required glass of red wine. 🍷
The invasion is coming, the invasion is coming!
I’d call it a visit but when a family of 7 announces they’re coming to stay at our house on 2 days notice it feels more like we’re girding for battle. We can’t even remember how to baby proof any more and they’re bring young twins. 😝
Last night when our daughter came home she couldn’t unlock the door. Turns out the Schlage Encode plus deadbolt mechanism had frozen up. Took quite awhile to diagnosis and then figure out how to remove it. Turns out with everything disassembled there is a tiny hidden spot on the deadbolt to press to force a release. Was quite the scramble.
Pointless nostalgia:
Reading about the Pac-12’s collapse, latest of many conference upheavels, has me wishing for the old days of long running rivalries. I found the games much more exciting.
I created a parametrized box model with a snap fit lid in Fusion 360. It feels like a nice accomplishment even though I mostly just followed a YouTube tutorial.
I’ve noticed that when I’m feeling down things that formerly were enjoyable become saddening. Not ideal.
Up before dawn.
Due to a hailstorm our roof is being replaced. The roofers arrived at 6am - who can blame them with a high of 106F today. The process is very loud so the whole family is short on sleep today.
We got Gloomhaven late Friday and my time is suddenly occupied between playing scenarios and 3D printing storage to de-clutter the table top and assuage our organizational angst.
Today was exhausting and I’m feeling drained as bedtime approaches. The morning was rather stressful but it turned out fine in the end. It just left me “wound up” and I haven’t returned to a normal state. It feels like one of those things where a night’s rest is the solution.
I always enjoy watching the Women’s World Cut ⚽️. Such great performances. And the 4K feed looks amazing.
Conspiracy theory
Search engines deliberately return crappy results so you’ll keep trying different search terms trying to get a better result. Thus generating more ad hits for them.
Hatchbox’s response to my concern about the pitting with my latest filament purchase was underwhelming. They simply asked if I would try slowing the print speed but said nothing about why it might help or how much to slow it down. Nor why all my previous Hatchbox (8) reels print fine at the default speed. To me if the default speed doesn’t work the filament is defective. Not gonna waste more time.
They had been my second choice, after Prusa, so now I need to find an alternative.
Contemplating playing Gloomhaven with my 14 yo son. They’re coming out with a console version with cross-play in September or we could get the board game version. Pros and cons of each. 🤔
I assembled the 3DSets.com Landy this morning. Per their Printables post this is a nearly 64 hour print. I used a MK4 so it was a bit less. Pretty cool model and I appreciate them making it available for free.
Feeling powerful: I integrated Telegram with Prusa Connect so now I get printer status notifications. 👍🏼
In other news I started a print using Amolen wood PLA for the first time in months and I forgot what a wonderful woodsy smell it produces. Ahhhh.
#3dprinting #3DPrinting
I opened a new package of Hatchbox white PLA and put it in my dryer for 2 hours. The first print was covered in pock marks. Thinking it might still be wet I did 2 cycles of 6 hour drying and printed again. The pock marks were more widespread but the result is still an unusable print. Subsequent prints using other PLA were fine. I ordered it >30 days ago and I wonder if they’ll stand behind the product. If not, bye bye HB.
#3DPrinting #3dprinting
I’ve been running a QRP WSPR transceiver for a bit over a year. I’m not sure why but now I feel I should retire it. It doesn’t take any maintenance and is tiny but I still feel like a cleansing is due. I’m having a “less is more” feeling.
I had the parts on hand so I built a quarter-wave antenna for my FOSS TinyGS (satellite ground station).
I deployed the antenna on a post in the backyard, now to see how well it performs. The SWR and Smith charts look very good but real world performance has a mind of its own.
I also used parts on hand to build a battery+solar panel charger for the TinyGS. It tested out OK but for now the actual Lora board is powered from mains.
We ordered coffee from Wonderstate Coffee for the first time and chose Driftless, an organic medium-dark roast https://wonderstate.com/products/organic-driftless-3. The beans were roasted the same day they were shipped to us. Lovely aroma and taste. 👍🏼 ☕️
I think the Doctor Strange Bust model posted by iczfirz https://www.printables.com/model/59079-doctor-strange-bust-support-free turned out great (though it did require a few organic supports). My teenage son immediately added it to his collection in his bedroom.
Oh, very nice. I got my first confirmed satellite packets this morning from PC4L-L!
I’ve had my MK4 printer set up for 9 days. It already has 4 days and 22 hours of print time 🤣