Someone who glanced in our pantry might think we have laid in dry soup supplies for a quarantine or zombie invasion or whatever. But nope, this is our standard supply About 8 different kinds. The Nongshim hot & spicy, topped with an egg, is my fave. πŸ“· 🍜
// @burk

Someone who glanced in our pantry might think we have laid in dry soup supplies for a quarantine or zombie invasion or whatever. But nope, this is our standard supply About 8 different kinds. The Nongshim hot & spicy, topped with an egg, is my fave. πŸ“· 🍜

Now that Manton waved his magic wand and gave us the ability to blog without posting to the timeline, I need to decide what I want for composing longer posts from iOS (my iPad Pro w/keyboard specifically)? I like Drafts for text-only posts but not for lots of formatting/photos.

Please ignore: If I haven’t screwed up a second time, this post will be on the timeline right after one that isn’t.