I just watched the Unreal Engine 5 demo running on a PS5. Mighty impressive!

But I’m more driven by smooth controls and fast scene loading than realistic graphics. I think I have about 6 months to wait to get an idea how the PS5 actually performs.

I wear this hat when I go out to exercise hoping it sends a “stay 6’ away or I’ll be triggered” message.

Probably people just think I must be a grumpy person. 😊

The kids asked about signing up for Disney+ to add some entertainment diversity. I signed up today but haven't told them yet. I'll let them know on Friday when they'll have finished this semester's school work.

The kids have been away from their schools for more than 2 months now. Even though they've had school work to do it has felt more like summer break. No idea how to avoid going stir crazy until school starts again late August.

It just dawned me that the kids’ won’t get a chance to sign each other’s yearbooks. Yet another ritual killed by the pandemic.

A mint chocolate chip ice cream cone sounds really good right now 🍦

Our main Mother’s Day activity: taking a 1 hour family walk on a forest path. Weather was perfect!

One good thing about the distancing thing: I’ve visited a lot of places I would never have seen in real life. Granted via YouTube 4K videos but it doesn’t suck. My most recent kick is scenic railways of Norway. 🚊 πŸ”

Sunshine on a cloudy day πŸ“·

Peace. πŸ“·

The Blue Angels literally flew directly over our house 15 minutes ago. Very very cool experience. Closer than they would be at an air show. I actually had to zoom out to get the formation in frame. πŸ“· ✈️

Things that never happened before:
- A Kona Ice truck stopped in the neighborhood resulting my my wife and teen daugther running outside with joy
- My wife shopped for and ordered clothes online
- My wife also shopped and ordered items from Etsy
Ch ch changes… πŸ’΅

I went to the grocery store for the first time in 2 weeks. That feels like quite an accomplishment since there are 5 of us. It felt like a much calmer experience than before. I suppose the others and I have better adjusted. The good news is there were no shortages.

Big sky with even bigger humidity. It is only about 70F but it felt much warmer (i.e. hot).

I’ve never watched a NASCAR race in my life. However being starved for live sports I might make an exception this month… Ewww

A couple of smart home updates completed this week. First, I replaced all of our Eve brand HomeKit devices with Aqara (faster & more reliable). Then I replaced our Insignia garage door opener adapter with an iSmartGate. Overall fewer frustrations with these.

I set up Pi-Hole on a Pi Zero W. Initially I tested it with just my iPad Pro and saw about 20-25% of DNS queries blocked. A few days ago I made it the default for everything on our home network and the queries blocked is now up to 59.1%. Holy cow poop!

I keep waiting for a review of the new iPad magic keyboard that covers real life usage. Normally I’d go to a store and check it out myself but that’s not an option and the usual cursory reviews just don’t answer the question of how well it works in a whole range of situations.

I’ve been mulling over what thing we might do, or event, that would make it feel like we’ve had a real break from the virus lockdown. I think for us it will be some sort of short road trip. A hotel, some meals out, a museum or something.

Even our dog is tired of the whole virus thing. πŸ• πŸ“·

The 11 yo is entertaining himself by studying game theory and economics. I’m glad he is challenging himself because the ‘home learning’ assignments are far too easy for him. 🧠

At least someone gets to enjoy the pool during the virus lockdown. πŸ¦†

Today we moved our grill and rearranged the furniture on our back patio. Because we’re bored.

With the isolation still in place I can hear birds signing from a couple of blocks away. I think this might be the last weekend where it is this quiet for awhile.

Gotta admit the boredom of ‘stay home’ is really becoming a problem. I don’t I’d do well on the space station.