Odd thought on my connotations: To be considered an elder (a senior, wise leader) is quite admirable. But being thought of as elderly isn’t (old and creaky). Elders may be old but aren’t elderly. Note I’m closer to elderly than to young.


The first months of Covid I did a good job keeping up my exercise routine. But the past 6 weeks I’ve had no motivation to continue and it is only by ocassional force of will I am getting any exercise lately.


Even though my wife and I come from completely different backgrounds we have an easy relationship because so many aspects of our personalities bind us together.


I don’t want to see prices for goods inflate but I sure wouldn’t mind a rise in savings interest rates.


My wife wants me to build trellis for Asian long beans and western green beans. She wants it triangular in shape to fit in a corner of the garden and I’m puzzling over the design.


More garden expansion today. This morning I built a 6’ by 6’ cucumber trellis. My BH is pleased.

The word of the week is: bombast. Brought to you by the US election.

I would never stoop to the tactics some politicians use.

However I will stoop to kiss my wife (10” height difference).


Sony sent me an email saying I should go ahead and buy PS5 games now even though the console isn’t out yet. I find that rather irritating since everything I’ve heard suggests getting a PS5 console anytime soon would be like winning the lottery. 🎮

My wife decided to enlarge and re-configure our backyard vegetable garden. With the weather nice and chill I got out and tackled some brute force work as well as breaking out my metal cutting power tool to re-shape a bed. For me it has been a relaxing day. 🌶 🌽 🍅

Walking down the memory lane of old photos this morning has been a great reminder of what is precious as our 11 year old son’s birthday draws near.


I guess it will astonish people that, although I have strong feelings about my desired outcome, I won’t let the result of today’s elections ruin my day. It seems my life prepared me for dealing with bad situations. It’s possible to care deeply while remaining even-keeled.

I’m trying to concentrate on getting a few tasks completed today because I think I’ll be highly distracted the next couple of days due to the election.


My mood and energy are definitely lowered by a series of dreary days like we had last week when it was also cold (lows in the upper 30s). I would not do well in the PNW.


I finished Ghost of Tsushima over the weekend. The open world is really lovely and scene transitions were pretty quick. Game mechanics weren’t hard to master. It’s a 5 star game for me.

Now I’m wondering if I should do a re-play or a NG+. Or chill until AC Valhalla is out?

Neither my wife nor I have ever made a cake from scratch. Today we tried imitating my mom’s coffee cake I loved so much. Mistakes were made but we recovered and the result was good. Definitely have ideas on how to make it better. Just wish we had mom’s recipe.

Our 6th grade son had to give in and start taking a laptop to school in place of his iPad. The school still relies on some Flash sites 😖 Not only that but he can’t even use Safari on the laptop because Safari 14 won’t allow Flash. Frustrating.

We voted! 🇺🇸👍🏼

Early voting started yesterday but when I drove by the line was 2 blocks long to get in. Today when I drove by the line was like this so my wife and I seized the moment. 1,486 people voted in this location yesterday, a couple hundred would be normal.

I replaced my MBP+Monitor setup with a 27” iMac. Freed up desk space and eliminated a bunch of cables.

One radio is monitoring 2m VHF, the other FT8 on 14m.

October 13, 2020 | 1:05PM CDT | My study near Dallas, Texas

Posted for a day in the life #adayinthelife

Once we broke the seal on our hotel room everything inside was quite normal, i.e. clean with no odd smells. The staff and guests all followed CDC guidelines. This combined with nightcaps led to my wife and I sleeping 12 hours last night. 👍🏼🛏🏨

Ahhh Manhattan

Our first night at a hotel since February. 🏨 Nice to get away if only briefly.

Parents could change in-person vs at-home learning for the kids starting the period beginning next week. They published the results today and I’m a bit surprised to see significant increases in all elementaries for the in-person option. On average ~8pp. 🏫 I expected status quo.

I hate working on plumbing. But I guess I hate spending money more because I just spent an hour disconnecting and cleaning the pipes under our teenager’s sink. Not pretty… Time for 🥃

Our long-awaited family member arrived 🖥. For once I didn’t even have to wait all day for FedEx (arrived at noon).