Uno is a brave hamster. Riding high on a shoulder.
Uno is a brave hamster. Riding high on a shoulder.
Jarritos Mandarin is my guilty pleasure when we hit the street taco place by our house. So good. But sooo unhealhty. 🌮
I had my physical this week and got the results of the associated blood tests today. There were marked improvements and I’m rather pleased with myself. I’ve really been striving to continue to improve my diet and exercise and some real progress will sure help me stick with it.
Old school indeed.
Also old school exhaust smell.
I had put my browsing through the Discover section on hold to keep political noise to a healthy-for-me limit. This week I remembered to stroll down Discover lane and it’s been a real pleasure finding new folks to follow.
Sign of the times: in the face of ever rising Covid cases and hospitalizations in our area I finally gave up doing grocery shopping. I placed an order at our preferred grocers yesterday and picked it up this morning. Darned convenient and everything was correct/well-chosen. 👍🏼
Made by our son’s loving hands when he was but a wee lad. 🎄
Moving day.
We decided our teenage daughter could have her gaming PC in her room and today is the day we moved it, the desk and sundry extras upstairs. The main reason was to free up the downstairs room to be my wife’s sewing room aka she cave. 😉 They’re both happy. 👍🏼
Not Charlie Brown’s
In other news: Battlebots is back!
Our HS junior daughter had told me the at-home learners were holding back progress of the in-person students as teachers tried to keep the cohorts on the same pace. Which was failing. Today the district notified us at-home learners with poor grades or absenteeism will be forced to the in-person option for the rest of the academic year. Fortunately our in-person kids are doing great. From what I hear the poor performance of at-home learners is widespread.
No real snowmen in sight for our area 🙁
When dinosaurs attack
All sides of the exterior of this building have these large dinosaur outlines. You won’t be surprised to learn they build giant animatronic dinosaurs.
Chillin with a a friend
In the good news/bad news category. Bad news first: several of our son’s cohorts attended a gathering over Thanksgiving and are now quarantining w/1 positive. Good news: the case was discovered before school reopened after the break so they didn’t bring it into the school.
This bark is a long time family favorite. But I’m sure not interested in a “2020” edition of anything. Ready to move on from this year for sure!
The Covid pandemic has reinforced my family’s understanding that our life can be (forced to be) simpler yet still be enjoyable. Yes we’ve missed out on things but in the long run we’re doing just fine.
It was a dreary sky
The cold bade me stay inside
But the food guilt propelled me
Our life this year has been completely pedestrian. Each day pretty much just fades into the next. I’m wracking my brain trying to think of what we can safely do to make Christmas break still feel special. No one even has much of a Christmas list this year.
I really miss seeing everyone’s facial expressions now that nearly everyone wears a mask. Even the quick encounters at store used to bring a tiny dose of joy. I find it is a rare person whose smile can shine even through a mask.
Feeling a bit of a dilemma. Normally we plan vacations well in advance - it’s enjoyable to plan and nice anticipating the travel. But this year that just lead to disappointment due to Covid. Do we hopefully plan something for late next year and risk it again? Or defer a bit.
Another thing I’m thankful for today: the weather this afternoon was warm-ish with no wind so I got to break out the underused tripod and DSLR for some quickly family photos.
Our little friends joined in the harvest. Today they can rest and consume copious amounts of food.
I’m happy my family and I have been able to adjust fairly well to Covid. We have much to be Thankful for today. That said I’m looking forward to getting vaccinated next year and seeing a bit more normality.
Since Covid hit the highlight of my social life has been my Sunday calls with my brother.