One more reason I always favor 1Password over LastPass

1Password has none, KeePass has none… So why are there seven embedded trackers in the LastPass Android app? • The Register

Got our electric and gas utility bill. A lot of folks are screaming about theirs. Not us - ours was cut off most of the time during the “big freeze” so it is just a normal amount. Lookin’ on the bright side.

A dietary wickedness but delicious indulgence while waiting on an order of Carnitas to go.

Amazon basically has no idea when any of our orders will arrive, post storm, and seems unaware that some items were already delivered. Quite the mess and status changes several times during the day. USPS has been more reliable post-storm.

It makes me really happy to see the city is continuing to expand our large network of exercise paths. This extension starts at the northern city limits and extends to the east. 🏃‍♂️

From just below 0F Tuesday morning to nearly 70F Sunday. It is hard to process all that happened from last Saturday.

The first grocery I went to this morning had absolutely no type of bread, no type of milk, and not a single egg. I went to another chain and was able to buy our favorite milk and eggs. They also had a few types of bread. Not our fave but at least we have some now.

After diving into this plate of asian comfort food I shoveled off our driveway. Our house faces south so the sun takes care of the front but most of the drive is fully shaded. I feel I earned dessert. 😉

Waiting for the true signs of the thaw: Amazon, UPS and USPS delivery trucks going through our neighborhood. So far nothing. 🤷‍♂️

Unexpected casualty of the lack of electricity for days: our sleep schedules. Here’s hoping the kids get back on schedule for school on Monday. 😴

So far we’ve been very lucky. The only toll from the cold and constant power fluctuations has been my wife’s alarm clock. We’ll get down to 13F tonight so we won’t be sure about frozen pipes until tomorrow afternoon. I’m sure we’ll find significant landscape loses later though.

It doesn’t inspire confidence when I cannot even logout of my account on your website. Looking at you

Congrats to NASA and all involved in successfully landing Perseverance on Mars! Such a difficult task and it has become routine.

It seems like the worst of the outages is behind us. The inside temp is up 5F and the power stays on longer than off. The forecast calls for above freezing temps on Saturday so hopefully the kids can get back to school on Monday. I’m relived for us but many still lack power. 😞

Two takeaways: tankless water heaters in attics are risky business. They’ve been the most common source of indoor flooding. But the worst case I saw was someone with a fire system w/pipes in their attic and they burst. Cutting off water to the house does not stop that flood.

Nintendo announced a ton of game news today. Our 12 yo son is most excited about Miitopia oddly enough. He still plays that on his 3DS. Hope to watch some of the trailers tomorrow.

More of the same for us today. Constant power outages, more neighbors with frozen and burst pipes, and no improvement in power production. I also saw today that those of us in the worst temperature-wise are being forced to cut power more than those where the temp is 20F warmer😖

It’s almost funny. We’re like trained rats. The power comes on and each of us literally jumps up and runs to do whatever is most pressing for each knowing the power might only last for 15 minutes. We all seem to be coping a bit better today even though it is even colder inside.

Our dog’s constant position.

The latest from ERCOT makes it sound like added capacity today will be minimal. If the power cuts continue apace part of our house will fall into the 40s tonight. Hopefully homes completely without power will see some relief though.

Our temperature dropped below 0F outside. Power outages continue - we had 23 outages in a day. We didn’t sleep well but at least with blankets we were warm enough while in bed. In one part of our house the temp dropped 10F overnight. Some ppl have frozen pipes indoors (not us).

The forecast calls for -1F. School is canceled until Thur but another snow storm predicted to bring 4”+ mid-week I won’t be surprised if the whole week is a write-off. I rate this the worst “snow day” ever because it’s too cold to be out much and enjoy it. No snowmen in sight.

Our primitive and often sole source of heat today and it will continue tomorrow. Cell service is overloaded so virtually no connectivity when the power is out. Electric consumption in Texas is way down but production is down dramatically. We put 5 blankets on our bed so far.🤷‍♂️

Electric demand is outstripping supply due to record low temps here which also knocked some power plants offline. 5th outage just now. Power on for 40 minutes then off for 20 minutes. Tomorrow will be worse with temp ~0F. Can’t reply with an image so posting… @khurtwilliams

Temp of 6F, wind chill below zero. We’ve been without power 4 times in 4 hours. It is getting pretty chilly in the house since the power isn’t on enough to bring the heat up.

Tomorrow is a school holiday and Monday’s low is expected to be a record 1F (wind chill as low as -20F). I don’t think the schools will try to reopen on Tuesday with those kind of temperatures following today’s ice and snow. This is not north Texas weather.