In my dream this happens: I create a post on iOS, hit a button, and it magically goes to both Mastodon and github pages with proper formatting (text and photos).

There are pieces of a solution but I have’t found a complete one.

This quick webcam stand I modeled and printed for use with Octoprint does the job though without elegance (I have yet to learn to design). By accident when printing this with a 6mm nozzles the result looks remarkably like a spool of thread.

Someday I will learn to use Fusion 360 or FreeCAD or etc. Someday…

How astute of you iOS

Well good morning! After 4 days of freezing temps and all that this was a welcomed sight.

I printed this Raspberry Pi 4 case that mounts directly to the frame of my Prusa MK3S+. The case was really well designed and mounted to existing M3 holes in the frame perfectly. Printed using Hatchbox PETG. 👍🏼

Long overdue print of tool storage for my 3D printer area. Saves space and aggravation.

I have a series of storage bins planned but I’m waiting on a E3D 0.6mm nozzle to arrive (will save a lot of time).

The articulated shark turned out well, shown here attacking an octopus 🐙 My Prusa MK3S+ kit is cranking out all kinds of prints without a care in the world.

All Gummies have been consumed!

Prusa kit builders know what this means. I finished building my MK3S+ kit and it passed the self test right away. Here is the obligatory first logo print. The build was a challenge but a fair one. I’m so happy with my decision to switch. 😁😎

I had thought I might finish putting the printer together today but ended up well short. I ran out of gas and decided to call a halt until tomorrow. Weekend build here I come!

Rather fond of the dawn sky

A wild unicorn appeared!

I printed this Spiderman themed headphone stand for our son who is a big fan. I surprised him with it and he was delighted.

Look at those clouds!

Yeah, I couldn’t see any either. We’re having one of those severe clear winter days and it is glorious.

This 3D print has diagonal lines running toward the bottom right and bottom left off of the "center piece". It seems to be a slicer artifact but ?

I 3D printed this vase design for my wife using Eryone silk PLA. It has a nice silver shimmer to it and Cura’s seam hiding worked well.

I’m not sure why but I really like the design on this nengajo (Japanese New Year’s card). And I appreciate the get well message. Yuka’s been a good friend for many years.

This is my first articulated model. Pretty happy with it. It looks good, has a nice rattle when it shakes its tail, and feels durable.

I printed this nifty, compact, case to hold SD cards, adapters and micro SD cards. Not perfect but it will do the job.

I think I finally have PETG setup halfway decent. I like the way this baby Groot turned out.

My first attempt at a PETG print was the ubiquitous Benchy. Turned out decent even before cleaning it up. I have yet to print anything tall. I need to look for something interesting.

After having success with a number functional 3D prints I decided to try my first figure. Overall it turned out OK but baby Groot’s left arm is partly missing and replaced with spaghetti. Trying to figure out what went wrong. For now we call it a combat injury.

It was not a bad morning

My first ever 3D printed model, the classic Benchy. I think it turned out great. Now to try some more ambitious prints.

TIL about which can display current weather and forecast data in a terminal window. E.g. "curl". Supports a ton of options. Refer to

It was a dreary day but the yellow leaves on this tree really stood out.