Ron Guest

Follow @ronguest on


I live in a suburb of Dallas, Texas with my wife, son, daughter and dog. I started my first company when I was a sophomore in college and my second about about 20 years later. I’m on my third now playing with new technology and enjoying myself. My career started doing applied research on operating systems at Bell Labs then moved on to the creation nation-scale network OSS product line, integration of a bunch of security and networking companies into a corporate parent, and more recently I was an exec for a software business with revenue measured with the B word. Through it all I always stayed hands on with technology which is my true love. Well, after my wife and kids of course! CS degrees from Colorado State University and Southern Methodist University. Staying in touch or contacting me.

Other interests

  • Food, especially anything my wife cooks. She is an amazing chef!
  • Road trips, the longer the better
  • Photography
  • Playing guitar
  • Being a maker
  • Helping people
  • Gaming
  • Sushi, oysters from the PNW, sake, dark chocolate, cocktails, wine, peanut butter (not necessarily in that order)
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