🏫 Watching my son do quadratic equation homework. Memories from my youth

My Synology NAS is back and reconfigured for basic RAID protection. Overall it went smoothly so I’m happy (and relieved).

Now back into OnShape.

Trying to completely reset and reconfigure my Synology NAS. Apparently the reset worked but it has yet to come back to life afterwards. Par for the course for this kind of activity. I anticipated trouble so I have the whole morning booked for this.

✏️ Designing a tool holder in OnShape. First time using it.

Since I have no need of a 4 disk NAS any longer, rather than replace the one disk that is nearing failure I’ve decided to switch to a basic setup without RAID. All disks are 6 years old so I could face having to replace them all to maintain my current RAID level. I spent this morning backing up configs and info. First thing tomorrow I’ll nuke the current config and start afresh. I’ll also clean all the dust out of it.

🤔 Making a plan to deal with the failing disk in my NAS

Oh joy. One of the drives in my NAS is failing. I’ve got high redundancy (4 drives and can survive 2 drive failure). That’s crazy overkill for how I use it now but Synology doesn’t have a way to switch to a lower redundancy level (other than manual backup, reset it, then restore). It’s all 6 years old so I wonder if I should bite the bullet and downgrade now?

👷 Grinding (my Prusa printer) on another set of gridfinity bins for my latest metric bolts

Big news at our local Japanese grocery store. Their small section of gashapon machines is greatly expanding starting tomorrow. Our 19 year old daughter is gonna love this. 🇯🇵

My workout buddy is cooler than yours!

Our friendly neighborhood armadillo briefly paced me trotting between the path and fence before ducking out on me. Slacker 😉

Thanks @ericschabell for the cool Chronosphere swag. That’s a great looking T-Shirt and I already have plans for the stickers. 🍻


Before and after photos of a simple print using Prusament Clear PETG. The one on the left is a total mess and on the right is in good shape. The difference? Drying the filament for a couple of hours. Note it was stored in a vacuum sealed bag with desiccant which obviously wasn’t good enough.

😃 ☕️ ➕ 🍩

I’ll have to give that a try!

The weather was great today: bright sun, moderate temps and light wind. It triggered some sort of turbo mode and a printed a whole new set of gridfinity bins for my metric hardware and cleaned out and re-organized a garage storage cabinet. Feeling powerful. Probably going to crash after dinner though!

Hmm. Woke up this morning and noticed my backyard Eve Weather was offline. Changed the battery which didn’t help. Then noticed my Eve air quality sensor was offline too. And my Schlage front door lock which triggered my brain to realize these are all thread enabled. Rebooted the AppleTV hub and all is well.

Back to my coffee.☕️

I just love this infill pattern

I appreciate the people who don’t post sporting event spoilers…

🤪 Gonna workout. But first coffee ☕️🏃

I wonder if there are any anime artists on here?

🚗 Bucees run complete. Snacks in da house!

Does anyone have a multi-color filament (PLA I suppose) they’re particular fond of for figures, decor and such?

A female cardinal in our backyard is intent on fighting her competition every day this week. Unfortunately the competition is invincible.

Her own reflection in our window.

More signs of spring! The Texas redbuds are lovely when they burst into bloom but sadly only last a week or so. The rest of the year they’re scrawny.

Posted later due to DDOS

Today I decided to cannibalize the Sovol printer I bought last year. Such a piece of crap. Hopefully I can make use of some of the parts.