🌩️ Ah with March comes spring and with spring comes tornado sirens (twice tonight, so far)

💦 Things were quiet on the 3D printing front. Suddenly I’ve got a backlog of prints for the family and me.

@jmj I remember when I first saw mention of the status.log app. I wondered if it was something we really needed. The answer has been a big fat yes. It delivers such delightful content in most satisfying way. Thank you for pursuing it.

Spring has sprung

TIL that typing Command + period on the iPad keyboard sends an ESC (since the magic keyboards lacks a physical key).⌨️

I think I’ll give DirecTV streaming a try this weekend. YouTubeTV is such a mess and the PQ is often crap.📺

🍺 Did a bit better getting back into my exercise routine. But more to do. Meanwhile having a Shiner.

I have Home Assistant running on a Pi4. Looks interesting but there are wrinkles to iron out. It looks like it might be useful. The main question in my mind is once set up will it work without fiddling or will it be a needy child.

🏃‍♂️ Need to back into my exercise routine post ear infection.

My Mastodon timeline is looking and feeling way too much like the former home of the refugees. Time to put more effort into making use of Mastodon’s control capabilities.

🏡 Going to give Home Assistant a try

🙃 A quiet Sunday morning. Ahhhh

🖱️ What’s up? I’ll try to finish moving RPi workloads and then work on learning Onshape

🤼‍♂️ I’m about half done moving workloads from various Raspberry Pi’s to my new mini PC

Gave up on VNC for my headless mini PC running Linux Mint. Installed NoMachine instead which instantly worked.

In other news our college freshman daughter apparently killed her laptop. Tis a shame because I really liked it.

Frustrating afternoon installing Linux Mint on this headless BMAX. Have yet to find the magic needed to have remote VNC run at the device’s full resolution.

Also none of my Logitech BT keyboards will stay connected. Disconnect and reconnect every second. Giving up for today.

🖥️ Installing Linux Mint on my new BMAX B1 Plus

👻 Busy getting things done. Unfortunately those things are not what is on my to-do list for today. Avoidance.

I’ve been using kagi.com as my default search engine for about a week now. I’m working on several projects needing specialized search. Kagi is not a “revelation from on high” but it produces clean results and excludes the garbage factory sites. Also I haven’t once had to bail out to Google search. Definitely better than DDG. Planning to stick with it.

ht @cheribaker

Having failed to banish the succubus inhabiting my brain when I think of naming my new mini PC I have given up. But I’m going with “lamia”. This word is new to me and looking at Wikipedia wow, what a reputation!

I was trying to think of a name for the mini PC I ordered and “succubus” came to mind for some reason. And now I can’t un-think it🤪

From the “sounds great but ain’t” files. Urgent care said they could give my my Rx while there, no need to go the pharmacy. Sounded great. Turns out they have this vending machine that spits it out after you talk to a pharmacy tech and pharmacist. 30 minutes later my Rx finally came out. Could have gone to the pharmacy faster.

⚕️ At urgent care. Turns out I have an ear infection.

Thinking about getting a fanless mini PC to consolidate tasks from some RPi. Trying to decipher spec’s because there so many choices and clones.