Does anyone know if I’m using the Timeline category to control my feed but forget include it on a post, if I edit the post to add the category will it get picked up for the timeline❓
Does anyone know if I’m using the Timeline category to control my feed but forget include it on a post, if I edit the post to add the category will it get picked up for the timeline❓
TFW you go to a meeting and start chatting with a stranger about a topic you’re interested in, then find out he was the expert speaker on the subject for the night. 😳
Minor accomplishment for the weekend: I managed to make a perfectly straight cut of a sheet of stainless steel to fit in a tight spot. It wasn’t as hard as I expected.
In early February the FCC issued my Technician license and I received my General license a couple of weeks later. I dove into operating with both feet so I am creating a series of posts to document my journey. This first post explains my initial setup for VHF/UHF repeater and simplex operation.
As soon as I passed my Technician exam I - like most everyone - was in a hurry to get my hands on a radio and get on the air. And like most I decided to start with a handheld radio. These are self-contained transceivers with respect to both power and an antenna. When seeking advice on what to buy there were two primary schools of thought. One said to buy a Baofeng radio because, although they perform poorly and are difficult to program, they are very inexpensive. A lot of people consider them throw-away buys and are happy with these as a start.
I took the second recommend route which was to start with something that performs better and is more reliable and hence would be something I could use in the long term for Skywarn, emergency comms and public event support. I specifically chose the Yaesu FT-60R. It is an older design but works very well and has a great reputation. Unlike Baofeng, Yaesu has a long track record of investing in R&D to advance radio technology and I was happy to support their commitment.
So far I’m content with my decision but I would have purchased the Yaesu FT-70DR instead. It costs only slightly more but brings digital voice encoding which turns out to be quite useful. And the System Fusion feature in that radio allows communication across the country, even the world. Unfortunately I let some FUD proffered by a few discourage me from valuing digital mode.
Next post in the series: my base station setup for VHF/UHF
Thanks to the addition of the Timeline feed feature, enabling us to exclude some posts from the timeline, I’ve started on a series of long posts for my blog that I’ll summarize for the timeline rather than posting directly.
Someone who glanced in our pantry might think we have laid in dry soup supplies for a quarantine or zombie invasion or whatever. But nope, this is our standard supply About 8 different kinds. The Nongshim hot & spicy, topped with an egg, is my fave. 📷 🍜
// @burk
Someone who glanced in our pantry might think we have laid in dry soup supplies for a quarantine or zombie invasion or whatever. But nope, this is our standard supply About 8 different kinds. The Nongshim hot & spicy, topped with an egg, is my fave. 📷 🍜
Now that Manton waved his magic wand and gave us the ability to blog without posting to the timeline, I need to decide what I want for composing longer posts from iOS (my iPad Pro w/keyboard specifically)? I like Drafts for text-only posts but not for lots of formatting/photos.
Please ignore: If I haven’t screwed up a second time, this post will be on the timeline right after one that isn’t.
Argh, I set up the new timeline control wrong so trying again. This post should not be on the timeline. Fingers crossed and my apologies for any timeline spam.
I really hope soon allows us to create blog posts that don’t show up on the timeline. The inability to do this is the #1 reason I don’t blog more. Paradoxically I would post more items to the timeline if this feature existed plus my posted content would be more diverse.
Bet there are some good prices on hotel rooms in Austin now. SXSW canceled, finally.
More concrete data: John Hopkins has created this awesome tool, regularly updated, regarding the COVID-19 incidence. It is useful and an awesome design IMO.
I like facts so here is a chart on the fatality and spread rate of Covid-19 vs other viruses.
Also, I continue to see data showing fatalities are highly concentrated in older age groups (80+ and 60+). Wash your hands, stay home if you’re sick and live each day to the fullest.
Source: NY Times
Scroll down on this page if you want to see some amazing panorama videos from Mars
The stores around us aren’t out of anything yet I see these dramatic stories about widespread shortages. Are they really widespread? Our local news isn’t reporting shortages either.
The sun is trying its best but it’s not good enough.
☀️ 📷
Today’s going to be a bit crazy. I have to run errands to 5 different places, do some work in our attic, and help my mother-in-law fill out some government paperwork. She lives with us and given how confusing the paperwork can be she doesn’t trust herself to do it on her own. I don’t blame her.
This is one of the most random things Amazon has shown when I opened the app. There are some rather investing reviews…
I got a new toy yesterday. It’s waiting patiently on my desk for me to run a coax to the attic and install a dipole. Hopefully tomorrow.
If quarantines spread I guess ARES will be activated. Tonight’s practice could turn real pretty fast.
I’m not looking forward to what seems like an inevitable “lockout” of people from school, work, stores etc (US). I suppose it’s the right action but the economic cost will be enormous. Can schools quickly go virtual? Will isolated, vulnerable people die from lack of care?
Angry eyes
Sometimes squinting helps your vision? 📷
Children are naturals when it comes to taking a leap of faith 📷
These came from below, rose to our lips, and slipped silently down again. 📷
I was surprised to see the risk of dying for the youngest group was close to zero. In a lot of viruses the youngest are pretty vulnerable.
Note the data set is a couple of weeks old so the rates may have changed.