Getting ready to leave on a long road trip with my wife. I find great relaxation in being away from the house and the responsibilities. Best part is the kids are staying with their grandma. 😀👵🏽🚙
Getting ready to leave on a long road trip with my wife. I find great relaxation in being away from the house and the responsibilities. Best part is the kids are staying with their grandma. 😀👵🏽🚙
U.S. suicide rates are at the highest level since World War II. And it’s getting worse: The U.S. suicide rate increased on average by about 2% a year from 2006 through 2016. Study data: Latest Suicide Data Show Depth of U.S. Mental Health Crisis
Learning to ride a Segway at the Science Museum
I had let myself get lazy about exercising the past week. Yesterday I finally broke the spell and was greeted with a lovely sky. 📷 ⛅️
As of yesterday we’ve now replaced all of our kitchen appliances (13+ years old). We didn’t realize it when we selected the new wall oven but it has WiFi and an app. I wouldn’t have paid for that feature but I have to admit it is at least a little useful.
What makes a good Old Fashioned great? When it costs $3.
Cheapest I’ve ever had by far for a full-sized, full-strength version.
Hi @Manton. Day One just came out with direct Instagram import. Has something changed that would allow to do this? Or are they doing black magic?
You can’t beat a Science Museum that occupies a 10 year old for a full day - plus has amazing climbing towers like these.
Per the Guiness Book of World Records certificate, this guy’s head is the largest fossil ever found. Who says everything’s bigger in Texas? 🦕 📷
Hello sauroposeidon
OK all you brave Beta installers. Please investigate and report back.😎
I’m in love with these additional privacy protections in iOS 13.
Forecast for tomorrow:
Morning optimism on the heels of the WWDC keynote followed by frequent storm clouds in the afternoon as the glass-half-empty crowd find plenty of ammo for potential doom.
We’re watching this morning’s 4 hour spelling bee on our DVR. I think we’ll have to wait until tomorrow night to see the final. This is pretty much my wife’s favorite event (though none of us are spellers). 🧠 🐝
Storms are moving through. Our house has a window seat that’s about 7 feet long with a comfy cushion. It’s a favorite spot to watch the world go by or sneak a nap.
Tonight’s learning: Explaining rotary dial phones to our 10 year old son
Played the Carcassone board game with my 10 year old son for the first time today. It’s a good game for us - works ok for 2 players and doesn’t take too long to complete.
My daughter and I did our first shift of volunteer work at the food bank. It was a good experience and she is looking forward to returning. This food bank is like a small grocery store and people are allowed to select their own food rather than receive a pre-boxed selection.
Normally I ignore new consoles because the lack of backward compatibility makes them quite limited from a value standpoint. Looks like the PS5 will be an exception. > confirming yet again that the PS5 will have backwards compatibility Sony on PS5
A little fun at the local arcade after school yesterday. We decided to give the kids a treat since our son finished his standardized tests this week and our daughter has her finals next week. Air hockey is always a favorite.
For @pgor: In TV bottom right on my iPad has a magnifying glass with Search next to it
Dappled 📷 🌳
Reflections on a muddy puddle.
Proud of our 15 year old daughter for signing up as a volunteer at the food pantry. She starting the day after school ends.
Saw another armadillo by the exercise trail today. I guess they’ve taken up residence. 📷