It is the first day when it is both <90F and not raining so I can comfortably do some woodwork on the coconut shredder bench for my wife.

But it is so humid and cloudy I can’t do the staining today. It will work better if I wait for a sunny day.

Our daughter just started her freshman year of high school and she’s already been invited to a College Day next week. I am NOT ready for this. After talking with her we opted not to attend but did discuss college planning a bit. I want to make economically sensible choices.

Raining 2” per hour. It was nearly 4”. Guess I better pick up our daughter from the bus! 🚌📷

Do you think email is the answer? Unsurprisingly this opinion comes from a guy running a biz monetizing email newsletters.

For news I read digital papers plus RSS. For social media I think could be a real answer.

Social media makes us angry. Is email the answer?

One of the many reasons to use Sunlit instead of Instagram is that Sunlit looks great on an iPad, even in landscape mode. Instagram’s app could never be bothered with the iPad. Thanks @manton.

We had rain most of the day so I pulled carpool duty picking up our 4th grader. The line of vehicles gives you an idea how (un)popular sedans have become.

We’re blessed w/great teachers & great facilities (elementary school is 2 years old, the freshmen center is new this year).

I fired up the time machine on my Flickr stream setting it to 10 years ago today.

A symbolic image of a Stargazer lily that lived out its purpose as part of a rememberance for my mom. I took this remnant with me not knowing why. But as I set it on the seat of my car I knew.

My initial order of Field Notes arrived. I went for the Black in standard sized as well as a couple of “Signature” sized notebooks. Oh, and some rubber bands because why not?

Family Dinner Out, Texas style! Mom and dad were adding protein while the kids went for carb loading.

My Labor Day status ✅ Designed & started crafting a coconut grater bench for my wife 🥥 ✅ Fixed the toilet in the master bathroom toilet 🚽 ⏺ Eat satay for dinner 🍴 ⏺ Reward myself 🥃


In a happy place right now: watching the first College Gameday of the season.

On the good news front: I cannot believe how much our 14 year old daughter has changed, as a student and as a person, in the past 6 months. It’s like night and day. So proud of her.

I like Reddit. The few things I subscribe to don’t seem to contain abuse (just an occasional somewhat rude reply). Their business model is wrong if they expect volunteer moderators to deal with this.

Unpaid and abused: Moderators speak out against Reddit

Speaking of social media as we often do… I have Snapchat because our teenage daughter wanted it for the filters. We let her have it as long as I could monitor her. Turns out once she saw the content she sees why we hate it. Vapid is one word that comes to mind.

Hmm. That reply was meant for @odd.

I need a new Apple Watch so that’s at the top of my wish list for the 12th. But I’m not too enthused about these rumors it might be a round watch. Just have to wait and see. The one round thing I wish for ain’t gonna happen: add soundbar features to the HomePod.

Placed my first order with Field Notes. Buying a few different types and sizes to try out. I’ve always heard good things about these notebooks. Can’t wait to try them out.

A bit late for National Dog Day, but better late than never, right? 🐕 📷

Let the record show my first college game of the year is the Wyoming Cowboys vs the New Mexico State Aggies 🤠 vs. 👩‍🌾 📺 🏈

College football on the TV tonight. Life is good. 📺👍🏼

This time of year, due to the heat, I tend to get most of my exercise on a stationary bike. It seems that pedaling fast with lesser resistance is a much faster way of closing the Exercise ring on my Apple Watch than more slowly w/more tension. Not sure that should be the case.

TFW your Apple Watch dings to say you’ve met your calorie burn goal for the day. While you sit in a chair. Eating some Jelly Bellys.

My wife wants to learn to sew so we picked out a machine at a local sewing shop today. She‘s already managed to lay down some decent stitches!

My achievement: helping figure out how to thread the darn thing. “Easy once you know how, but inscrutable until you’ve done it”.

I loved Monument Valley - the game. Scratching my head over the concept for a movie though…

Gorgeous puzzle game ‘Monument Valley’ is being turned into a movie