Don’t judge by this face - he said my brownies are delicious and was shoveling them in. :)
Don’t judge by this face - he said my brownies are delicious and was shoveling them in. :)
Feet up watching Broncos while enjoyingHacker-Pschorr Weisse Dunkel beer
Making cookies for Santa
German beer and Mexican queso - cause this is Texas
Get Loud!
A lovely Dunkel
Frosty in the yard
Yep, it is now official. As I mentioned in this prior post, Arduino is coming of age and today’s announcement that the software development kit has reached version 1.0 is further proof. Hooray for all the makers in the world! Click the link below for the announcement and link to the free download.
Upside down Candyland
Google will allow you to opt out of them including your home wireless router in their Location Server database. So long as you’re willing to rename your access point by adding “_nomap” to the SSID. Read their privacy counsel’s justification and uttered an involuntary curse. So if you want privacy you have to modify the router and every device that connects to it…
Google intros privacy solution for home routers, forces users to opt out.
Very interesting take on Siri. I wonder if this is an intended result or a side effect of adding Siri to iOS. It also makes me think Apple is being very careful about opening up a Siri API in order to protect their backend revenue stream.
No more. Network penetration and its ilk are all old-school. Highly specific targeted phishing (aka spear phishing) is all the rage. Are you on the pointy end?
Security firm: Hackers hit chemical companies
Our scary little leopard
Birthday scooter
A surprisingly high percentage of recruiters/hiring managers have rejected employment candidates over posts to the main social media sites.
How Recruiters Use Social Networks to Screen Candidates [INFOGRAPHIC] | LinkedIn.
Or the name of any of your contacts. Typical Apple - Siri is personal so it must be teachable.
I’m not surprised by the data I’ve quoted below. The Cloud will definitely be disruptive to existing IT outsource partnerships. It will be fun to see how wins the upcoming battles :)
The survey indicated 77% of firms have started planning or have plans for some form of cloud computing and 64% said the cloud will be the best way to manage IT infrastructure three years from now. Asked who would be the best provider of that infrastructure three years from now, 55% said service providers who specialize in private cloud offerings; 39% said traditional outsourcing companies.
News first broke on this camera a few months ago. I’m really anxious to see what it does when in the hands of a “real Joe” photographer. Certainly the interactive images look great. The entry level model is $399 which, to me, isn’t unreasonable. Can’t say I care much for the design of the camera though - looks like a piece of lab equipment.
Lytro camera lets you focus after shooting, now available for pre-order
The fields are ripe for a major Stuxnet derived disruption. Stuxnet itself had a very narrow target and one that many people felt was justified. Son of Stuxnet will almost surely be considered more costly when it is finally unleashed. The details are a bit technical but well worth the read. Kudos to Symantec for putting out their findings so quickly.
New Stuxnet Variants Are Found in Europe.
Jim Rhoades sussed out a great list of commands Siri recognizes for dictation. Very handy! Kudos to Jim for putting this together and sharing it with us.
My faves are the new multitouch gestures and Wifi sync :)
iOS 5 For iPad: 5 Killer Features - - Mobile OS - Informationweek.
Perfect use of Don Julio
So RSA wants to blame a nation-state with no revelation of evidence to support that and also says even though they know the two groups responsible don’t know what nation-state was involved? I can hear the credibility ship sinking…
RSA Pins SecurID Attacks On Nation State - Security - Attacks/breaches - Informationweek.
Ars Technica has a post up on the new (free) “Find my Friends” app for iOS 5 - and it is very well done as is their norm. And it shows once again how Apple is taking user privacy much more seriously than Google.
I have been unwilling to use Google’s Latitude but the level of control in Apple’s app is enough to make me comfortable. Will I use it? I’m not so sure about that simply because I don’t see a benefit from doing so. Even with “local” friends close usually means 30 minutes or more apart. I’ll probably try it out for awhile as an experiment.