We went crazy and bought an automated bread maker (Zojirushi). I was a bit skeptical but our first loaf (white bread) turned out amazing. Even the kids and in-law were impressed. I wanted to make a wheat loaf today too but it turns out we lacked one ingredient.

This was an interesting read:

Why Bluesky Remains The Most Interesting Experiment In Social Media, By Far | Techdirt techdirt.com/2024/03/27/why-bl

My adventure in using flex filament continued today. I found this simple model for holding 1/4” screwdriver bits: https://www.printables.com/model/133496-fl

This is a great use of a flex filament because the holes are small enough to snugly hold the bits and at the same time the flex makes them easy to remove.

My previous 3D benchy didn't want to release from the satin PEI sheet so I used textured for this print. It lost adhesion at about 4mm height so I added a brim which worked well.

I bought some Fiberlogy 40D flexible filament for my first attempt at Flex. I used PrusaSlicer’s builtin preset and printed it on my MK4 w/o input shaping. Most of it turned out well and the bow area has a nice flex. The surface has a nicer feel than PLA or PETG. But there is a a defect on the front. I think the angle was too much for the filament or preset. Also the text “3D Benchy" on the stern is less clear. (½)

Overall I'm quite pleased and the distributor, Texas Filament Supply, included data sheets on several other unique filaments. Onwards to "real" prints.👍🏻


I more or less impulsively purchased a spool of Fiberlogy FiberFlex 40 D (flexible filament). I’ve been wanting to try something other than PLA and PETG. I’m curious to see how well it prints on my MK4 and, if it prints well, come up with some actual uses for it.

Microsoft bloat is indistinguishable from malware. Very happy that crap is not part of my life.

Microsoft is once again asking Chrome users to try Bing through unblockable pop-ups engadget.com/microsoft-is-once engadget.com/microsoft-is-once

My son uses one of these - still a great laptop mastodon.social/@macrumors/112

Our dog is 13 years old and storms never used to bother her. But these days thunderstorms cause her stress and she starts shaking. Attempts to comfort her don’t help and maybe she feels worse.

With nice weather we’ve been on the back patio a lot more and have noticed that the WiFi performance on our iPads is very marginal. Speeds are slow at best and sometimes completely stalled out For some reason they are stubbornly trying to use a 5GHz channel when they should have switched to 2.4GHz. So far the only thing that works is to turn the device off and hope it connects to 2.4GHz when it turns on. 😖

Hamburger tacos in process…

Cleaned the outside of our outdoor griddle and now I am re-seasoning the griddle itself. It is a glorious day outside: 80F and 50% humidity is super comfortable on our back porch.

My wife is going to make hamburger tacos on the griddle for dinner today. First time trying that. 😋

Can you solve the mystery?

Periodically this watch face shows up on my Apple Watch, it usually shows up midday. I like it. But I didn’t create it and I cannot find it in the Watch gallery. And it only shows up on the watch face for a quite short period of time before disappearing as silently as it arrived.

Do you know the source of this face? ⌚️

I moved a Docker container to a different Linux box and it couldn’t work. I eventually determined ffmpeg was failing with an rtsp authorization. It ran fine on the previous Linux box. After much futzing around the only difference I could find was the Linux machine it failed on used a network bridge. I deleted the bridge (easy) but the ethernet port stayed disconnected. Thirty minutes later I found how to fix that and voila ffmepg works. No idea why a bridge would break it’s rstp auth. 😖

We’re going to have extreme winter weather tomorrow.

By that I don’t mean super cold and icy. What I do mean it is supposed to be 92F here. Which is about 40F over normal.

Good grief.

A day I’ve long dreaded has arrived. When I moved from my iMac to the Mac mini I started from scratch which gave me the pleasure of not having Visual Studio Code soiling the disk of the mini. But now I need to make changes to an old project built using PlatformIO and hence I am installing VSS. Shiver 😢

Laying out on our back patio sofa and this is my view. The weather this month has been crazy warm in the 70F and even up in the 80s. Normally February is our most wintry month. Not complaining though. It is so much easier to be active in this weather.

Today’s rathole: finally dove into customizing iTerm2 (macOS) with Oh My Zsh (ohmyz.sh) and P10K aka powerline10k (github.com/romkatv/powerlevel1). Ohhhhhh the visual delights. Plus p10k adds some nice little productivity help.

Then went a step further and set them up on Linux Mint (easy but needed to manually install a font).👍🏻

“I want to be a pizza box.”

I discovered today, after moving some services to the new Linux box on Monday, that a couple of parameters in a Docker YAML file were wrong and now I am wondering how in the heck the container ever worked and how am I just now noticing this?🤷‍♂️

Well at least I can say I got a benefit from changing boxes (well in addition to speed, capacity and so on).

My Proxmox effort hit a wall today after a couple of days of smooth sailing. One of my Linux VMs fails to boot and goes into emergency mode. The file system seems OK, external disks are mounted and so on. But there is no active network interface active.

I found some log entries but they’re opaque to me. I’m hoping I’ll find some help on the Proxmox forum. It’s a bit scary getting this kind of error.

Our 19 year old daughter bought me this. Show must know and love me 😆

It’s an Ember mug which keeps coffee/tea warm. The temperature is programmable and the mug rechargable. What a cool gift.

I successfully moved my Plex & associated apps from the little BMAX to a Linux Mint VM in Proxmox. Had to learn some things along the way but it went pretty smoothly. I was surprised our Plex apps magically discovered the new server.

Of course now I am breaking the setup. I’m copying the media files from a HDD to a SDD. That’s gonna take awhile 🥱

Well, I’ve never seen a heat sink held on my zip ties… Hopefully there is some thermal paste under there (the NVME SSD).

Picture from inside my new Linux mini PC.

Wrestled through the initial Proxmox setup issues and now have two Linux Mint VMs up as well as a Windows 11 VM on standby. Tomorrow I’ll start moving services.👍🏼